Tha Yet is a Burmese photojournalist who has been working for local media agencies and CSOs for almost a decade, first as a reporter and researcher and more recently as a photographer. Tha Yet’s work has focused on communal and racial violence in Myanmar and the spread of hate speech through social networks, documenting human rights and minority rights issues – particularly those affecting the Rohingya and other Muslim communities in Myanmar – gender issues and social cohesion initiatives.

Since the military coup in Myanmar Tha Yet has spent time following the lives of young People’s Defence Force recruits training in the forests of Kayin (Karen) State along the Thai/Myanmar border.

Tha Yet’s work can be seen in the story New Battles, Old War.

Due to the political situation in Myanmar the name Tha Yet is an alias and this bio has been heavily redacted to remove any identifying information. All enquiries into licensing images or commissioning assignments should be emailed to